NewStarCTF week1 Rev
Annms_ begin IDA教程题,跟着提示一步步走即可
Annms_ begin IDA教程题,跟着提示一步步走即可
Rev[week1 AK] Binary Master IDA喵了 解法二: 理论上输入0x114514也行 signsign Babybase
八嘎又拖队友后腿了……😭 Rev 晴窗细乳戏分茶 主函数内可见为分段加密,进入encrypt和encrypt2函数可确认第一段是标准TEA加密,第二段是标准XTEA加密
written by Annms_ REV flagwatch This is the first time ive ever heard about AHK. Check the attachment with DIE,we can find out it is an AHK file, and
[HNCTF 2022 Week1]贝斯是什么乐器啊? 贝斯笑话笑死 查之无壳,IDA启动
BaseCTF W2 RE UPX! 如题,upx壳 </
how noob am i? REVERSE SIGNAL check it with DIE,64 bit step into the main func,nothing sus here,lets check the function list
snack 拿到题目,贪吃蛇 使用DIE工具检查可以得知该小游戏是用Py写的,且使用了PyInstaller打包 于是按照常规流程,使用现成的pyinstxtractor脚本拆包
队伍名称:🦜 队伍成员 MISC手 八嘎 Crypto手 RokisPanz pwn手 アノニマス Re手 Annms_ 标识符 含义
简简单单的逻辑 题目: flag = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' list = [47, 138, 127, 57, 117, 188, 51, 143, 17, 84, 42, 135, 76, 105, 28, 169, 25] result = '' for i in range